Golf Like You Love Yourself*

*Before I get too far, I have to give credit to my dear friend Chara for writing a book called Eat Like You Love Yourself and creating a podcast called Live Like You Love Yourself . This post was inspired by her. Are golfers not their own worst critics? And then try to give a golf lesson to someone who is already defeated internally before the lesson even begins. I've had several students (more than I can count) agree that golf is 99% mental or emotional and then continue to ask for physical corrections. If you believe in self-fulfilling prophecies, golf will give you plenty of examples. And then we go back to searching for more distance, more accuracy and of course, my least favorite word, more consistency. The work that needs to be done here is an inside job and it is some of the most difficult, yet rewarding work we can do. Our good friend Tim Kremer's Thought of the Day this morning read, "Improvement is not as much about movement forward as letti...