Play To Learn
Anyone who is close to me knows I have one to eight books with me at all times. My current indulgence is The Lost Art of Playing Golf by Gary Nichol and Karl Morris. It's a book that is easy to pick up and jump back into if you've taken off a couple of days...and I'm beginning to feel like they wrote this love story specifically for me. Every time I turn the page, it gets better and better, one idea resonates more than the one before it.
I am currently loving their idea of playing to learn. Although this is not a new concept, there is definitely a not-so-subtle disctinction between learning to play and playing to learn. To me, learning to play has a final destination, an end date, a mastery of some sorts. Last time I checked, golf was none of these.
On the other hand, playing to learn has so much potential! It allows us to take chances, create new shots, exhaust the possibilites and then discover a new one. And that is just it, golf is so much more fun when played with a mindset of self-discovery, curiosity and wonder. I've played some of my best golf when I have said to myself, "I wonder what will happen if...".I also believe this concept gives more power to the student to create their own adventure (I LOVED the Choose Your Own Adventure book series!). Too often, students hand their power over to me, and although, I am grateful and often humbled, their power is not mine to behold. I believe my job is to help them create and develop their own personal power on the golf course, and consequently, in their own lives. Playing to learn allows this to happen. There will always be swing and technique work to do. The video and radar technology is super cool if it is used as an accessory. But these are just a small part of playing the game, living the adventure on the links.
I could go on all day and I would totally hashtag "play to learn" but I think some already did. I'm curious to know what playing to learn means to you and maybe how we could help you do it better. Leave your ideas below.
Many Birdies,
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