Golf Sick?

 During a rain delay today, Larry was watching a You Tube video interviewing Dr. Morse, a guy that has unlocked the key to total health and long-term wellness. Of course it does involve clean meats, fruits and veggies, however he did start the conversation by saying you must BELIEVE that you can be healthy. And then he explains we have had so many generations of poor eating habits that it is possible to detox and reverse the bad, however, it might take awhile.

So as I drive home from 3 days of disappointing tournament golf, mourning all of the shots left out there, the trophies going home with someone else, cuts missed, I start to question my belief in myself and my game. This has been a part of my grieving process as of late. Within 48 hours, Larry and I will go through my rounds of golf and we’ll come up with a plan and we’ll start working on my game again. I will start feeling better again.

The pain of the disappointment hurts so bad, so deep in my heart. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Is that doubt, disbelief or just the kind of self-pity that makes you wanna Run For The Border? Back to that healthy eating lifestyle again...

Why is pure positive belief so hard? It’s probably like detoxing our system of generations of prescription drugs and food additives. How many of our mental emotional beliefs are ancestral? And it doesn’t have to be golf related to affect your play.

Who’s up for some emotional detox? Sounds as great as taking sugar out of my diet. How bad will those withdrawal symptoms be?

Many Birdies,

“Gotta keep believing if you wanna know for sure.” Eli Young Band


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