What She SAID
I study movement. It's what I do. And then I help students actualize their desired results by optimizing the movement. There is a concept in the movement industry known as the SAID Principle. SAID is an acronym for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. Basically when stressors are added, the body will adapt. For example, if you have known Moby and Toby for awhile, you will notice how Toby has beefed up in order to have a sronger presence when playing with Moby. If he didn't grow and adapt in response to the stressor (Moby), there could be a good chance of Toby getting hurt. And this isn't just an animal instinct to adapt. It is very real for people too. If you are trying to develop a better golf swing, you must train the golf swing. To become a putter, we must learn how to hit better putts. If we are trying to play better golf, we must get on the golf course and learn to play better golf. We can also use cross-training and functional training to enhance t...